Accueil > Enseignements > Les matières > Langues > Anglais > Correspondance de la classe européenne 2008

Correspondance de la classe européenne 2008

During the session 2008-2009, the class 3A
took part in a class exchange with a Scottish class
from a secondary school in Ayr. They were asked
to exchange information about various themes and
customs from their respective countries.

The pupils worked in groups to make up themes
and questions. For the first exchange, they sent
their texts and questions in English and received
their answers in French. They sent their texts via
internet through the website : e-twinning and with
the collected information from their Scottish
friends, they made up posters to present to the rest
of the class.

Here are the answers from our Scottish friends and
the posters made by 3A. . .

After presenting the posters to the rest of the class
the pupils decided to choose a second theme, this
time written in French and sent a text and
questions to their Scottish correspondents who
answered them in English.

This exchange was a lot faster as both groups of
pupils were allowed to use their native languages.